Wednesday, November 30, 2016

non-commercial art

this is non commercial art created by Jordan Nelson who is a local concept artist and illustrator.  This is a self portrait design created in Photoshop. The monochromatic color scheme was appropriate for this piece because of the different skin tones and hari color.  The lack of range in hue makes this piece more realistic.  I liked this piece for its extreme detail and how precise the airbrush is.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

symbolic color

This is a poster design I found on google images about Christmas. Normally green and red are not used together because it does not follow the aesthetic values of design.  Whenever there is green and red used together it is automatically assumed as a Christmas themed image and that's all the viewer can think about. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

color discord

I found this picture while researching for my power point in my other graphic design class. This is a design from victor moscoso who was very popular in the 1960's. He is known for using very vivid colors and we can see that in this picture. The green is not a color a normal person would choose because it seems to clash with the orange.   This type of color contrasting was popular during the psychedelic era.  

Monday, November 7, 2016


I found this picture on my friends website of all of his designs he has made. I thought this design was creative because of the way he implemented two different concepts into one. He took a familiar design and changed it for a unique one. He was inspired by a famous design that he liked and made it his own. This is what good designers should do and how future designers can be successful.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Color Harmony Rules


all four of these images follow the different color harmony rules.  I found all these pieces of art in an art book called the Usborne Introduction of Art.  Painters, designers and every artist needs to use the rules of color harmony in order to achieve a complete and aesthetically pleasing work of art.   The first one is composed of different shades of blue for the entire thing and ends up being monochromatic.  The second one is analogous because is has three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.  the third one is complimentary because it has two colors that are opposite from each other on the wheel.  The last picture is Triadic because of the three colors that are 120 degrees way from one other on the color wheel.  

Monday, October 24, 2016


This is a book cover that is my moms and i saw it on our counter. It is not a super bright colorful picture, but i loved the color scheme.  The dark maroon and the green stand out together and work really well.  The whites and blacks contrast really well with the colors and makes everything pop out and gives a more bold effect.  These colors are also sometimes thought of when you are trying to eat healthy, which is the books content.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

positive/negative space

This is a design ad from a food and wine festival I remember seeing before. It is  very eye-catching because of the simple image and sharp contrast. They use the positive space to create a national symbol for food (the fork) and they use the negative space in the prongs of the fork to create wine bottles. both fit in well and are very noticeable and recognizable.   It also has some asymmetrical balance by having the main design in the bottom left corner and the large text in the upper right corner, which evens everything out. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


This image is a design from a bodybuilding magazine in my house. It stuck out to me because of the symmetry and the style of ad that they chose.  It is a very interesting composition to look at because of the way the text and image is symmetrically laid out.   The header is very bold and a attention getting phrase and it also leaves you on the top of the image, then your eyes wander down towards the bottom where it gives you more info and a better sense of the product through the image and text. Another way this caught my eye was the way they chose to advertise the product. Normally, the supplements and vitamins that are advertised have a very modern look and feel, giving a sense of new and high quality branded product. This product chose to have a rough and manly feel to it by having faded, beaten up text followed with a working hand putting the product into a meat grinder with a wooden background


This is a design that I discovered through the text book, Megg's History of Graphic Design.  It stuck out to me for its sense of depth and variety.  The way the shapes are placed and arranged the piece has a sense of layers and a 3d look.  The word "expo" covers some shapes that face a different direction that make the text pop out and look less flat.  also the word "expo" is duplicated and placed underneath the word and other shapes to further push the sense of depth and layers.   This design has multiple colors and is all over the place with its shapes. 


This is a piece of art that I found from the book Megg's History of Design. It stuck out to me because of the bold contrast and simplicity.  The design has a very good balance of white and black. The alternating black and white legs in the middle and the top and bottom negative space causes a very interesting layout.  It has symmetrical balance from top to bottom, down the middle split. even the small type at the bottom is symmetrical with the artwork which is important.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


This design  i found by my TV, it is my little brothers video game called The Show 16. It is a baseball game for the PS4. This designs function is to promote the game and give the buyer a sense of how realistic this game is.  I chose this design for depth because of the background and the way different layers stick out further than others. The sharp detailed baseball player added in with the soft text and smooth background help him stand out and catch the eye of the buyer.  There is also good balance in how the text is placed and the area around the baseball player. Everything is fitting and aesthetically pleasing.   

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I found this image on a Kleenex box in my house and thought the patterns flowed together well. This design does a good job of showing rhythm. The circles vary in size and color to make it look like bubbles are floating and moving. Its purpose is to show cleanliness and to have the user feel like it is sanitary.  Bubbles are usually associated with cleanliness.  The color scheme is very rhythmic also with the style of the design.   

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


This piece of art was one of my projects senior year in high school done with sharpie. I was looking for graphics with balance and symmetry and I saw this on my wall.   Even though this is a product of fine arts, I wanted to use this piece because of the thought out symmetry. The goal of this project was to create five different figures and add a background of random designs with a theme. I wanted to do a old school rap album cover inspired drawing.  I had many ideas for how I wanted to do this but this is what I ended up doing. If you split the image down the middle, the two halves would be almost identical but still slightly different. The characters general shapes are even with each other and the backround at the bottom changes but it still looks like it flows. It would be very fun designing a poster or a album cover and do something like this and I hope to one day have the chance. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


 I chose this piece for my design with unity because of its very unique patterns and designs.  The color scheme is very monochromatic but yet it isn't boring because the repetition works so well. I found this artwork in an adult coloring book that had designs full of repetition and a flow of patterns.  I liked how the pattern not only works around in circles but also in and out, it really draws your eye towards the center and is very pleasing to look at.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


This picture was from an old board game we had in our upstairs closet. I took this image because I really like the colors and crazy variety from the letters and characters. You can tell by the good variety and almost chaotic scheme that the designer tried to specify it for a younger crowd. If it were for adults it would contain less of "childlike" colors.  The words and pictures look as if they are from a children's book which was the intention to draw in the younger crowd.
This design was taken from my old book collection when I was young. I used this image because of how crazy but yet unified the pieces are. The picture is very chaotic but it still is visually pleasing and the younger crowd will find it very appealing because what kid will like a science book with no pictures.  They filled the word with different aspects of science and make a very creative piece.